DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Legislation

The Labour Ministry should shortly published a note formalizing the rules for tax reduction on items of remuneration linked to productivity in 2014.

Categories: Legislation

The law conversion of the so called “Poletti Law Decree” sets that the maximum duration of 36 months does not apply to fixed term staff leasing contracts drawn up by the “user” company.

Categories: Legislation

Employer can exceed 20% threshold of the working staff through fixed-term hirings, paying an economic sanction.

Categories: Case Law

With regard to the so called “Fornero” procedure the Court of Cassation, with judgment no. 10133/2014, clarified that the decree (which is immediately enforceable according to art. 1, par. 49, Law no. 92/2012) is subject to the ordinary rules of the civil challenge.

Categories: Legislation

The reform also introduces a new discipline to simplify and promote apprenticeship contracts. The Parliament has just approved Decree Law 34/2014 implementing a substantial reform of the discipline of short term contracts in Italy.