Categories: Case Law
Court of Cassation, with judgment no. 9180 of April 23, 2014, moving away from a previous case law guidance (judgments no. 49/1997 and no. 6923/1996), stated that amounts paid by the employer are not exempted from social security contributions just because paid in compliance with a settlement agreement.
Categories: Legislation
The Ministry of Labour, with the note no. 9761/2014, provided for the guidelines for inspections in the companies admitted to restructuring and reorganization programs (Special Redundancy Fund, so called “CIGS”).
Categories: Legislation
The Law Decree 34/2014, in examination by the standing parliamentary commission, will be voted from Tuesday, April 22.
Categories: Legislation
With INPS message 4152/14, published on April 17, 2014, the Institute clarified that the rule providing recover of the ASPI additional contribution (1,4%, set for the employer who converts fixed-term employment contracts in indeterminate ones) is applicable also to employees hired with an apprenticeship contract after a previous fixed-term contract.
Categories: Case Law
Brescia Court of Appeal, with judgment of April 3, 2014, stated the nullity of the clause regarding the term when exceeding the 15% percentage threshold set in the mail offices sector by art. 2, par. 1-bis, of the Legislative Decree no. 368/2001.