Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Legislation
Law Decree no. 34/2014, which became effective on March 21, 2014, abrogated the obligation for the fixed term employment contracts to be based on justifying reasons (i.e. technical, productive, organizational and replacement reasons), previously requested as essential condition for the lawfulness of temporary contracts exceeding 12 month duration.
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation, with judgment no. 6110 of yesterday, stated that the dismissal of executive can be justified for any cause supported by reasons in compliance with law and by a global assessment.
Categories: Case Law
Court of Rome, with judgment of March 5, 2014, stated that terminating an apprenticeship contract may not be challenged with the new procedure introduced by Law 92/2012 (so called “Rito Fornero”), but with the ordinary procedure.
Categories: Legislation
Labour Ministry, with note no. 2642/2014, stated that the employer who pays cash in hand overtime is subject to a double penalty.
Categories: Case Law
Court of Cassation, with judgment no. 5179 filed on March 5, stated that an employee who sent his legal attorney documentation concerning confidential company information may not be dismissed