Categories: Case Law
Court of Bergamo, with the sentence no. 941 of December 12, 2013, extended the performances automaticity principle, which ensures to employees the right to receive the retirement indemnity also in case the employer omitted to pay the social security contributions accrued, also to coordinates and continuative self employees.
Categories: Legislation
The European Court of Justice, with judgment in Case 596/2012 of February 13, 2014, stated the illegitimacy of the Italian legislation on collective dismissals (Law 223/1991) with reference to the exclusion of executives from the procedure.
Categories: Legislation
The Article 1, paragraph 135 of the Stability Law 2014, provides that - from 1 January 2014 - the employer who requalifies a fixed term employment contract into an open ended one gets back by INPS the additional contribution “Aspi” (the Social Insurance for Employment).
Categories: Legislation
Fines against illegal labor provided for in the Decree called “Destinazione Italia” (Law Decree n. 145/2013).
Categories: Case Law
The so called “Rito Fornero” (the new proceeding provided for by Law 92/2012) ends up before the Constitutional Court. The IX section of the Court of Milan stated as significant the lawfulness issue regarding the lack of an abstinence obligation for the judge who has to decide on the challenge, after having already judged the summary stage of the trial on the lawfulness of the dismissal.