Categories: Case Law
Una cassiera del supermarket perde il lavoro perché si porta a casa i premi previsti per i clienti. Il licenziamento è legittimo, ha confermato la Corte di Cassazione, sezione lavoro, con sentenza n. 24588/13, respingendo le osservazioni della lavoratrice la quale aveva contestato la mancata esposizione, nel luogo di lavoro, del codice disciplinare.
Categories: Legislation
The Stability Law 2013 did not only exclude the possibility for employees dismissed for objective reason by small companies (hired less than 15 employees) to be enrolled in the mobility lists but, above all, did not refinance the incentive in favour of such employees.
Categories: Legislation
The Commission for the questions related to the safety on work, in the note no. 8/2013, specified that prior medical examination required by the Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 for the suitability assessment of the employee to the specific duty is valid for one year only
Categories: Case Law
Court of Cassation, with sentence no. 20913 of September 12, 2013, stated that technical, organizational and productive reasons justifying the transfer of the employee must be described in detail and must not be generic.
Categories: Legislation
INPS, with message 16961 of October 22, provided some clarifications about the special indemnity granted to project employees (so called “”) by Fornero Reform.