DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Legislation

The requests for hiring bonus (of young people aged under 30 years old) have arrived to 7,841 in three days, far away from the overall capacity guaranteed by the budget for 2013 which covers about 20 thousands hiring or stabilization.

Categories: Case Law

Court of Cassation, with the sentence no. 17204/2013, stated that the employer is exempted from the obligation to obtain the consent of the employee in order to carry out preliminary investigation aimed at exercise his/her right.

Categories: Legislation

The Ministry of Labour, with note n. 36/2013, provided the first operating instructions for the correct reading of the rules in matter of regular contribution stated by Law Decree no. 69/2013, converted into Law 98/2013.

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Milan, with sentence no. 2797 of July 9, 2013, stated that also the executives (so called “dirigenti”) have the burden to challenge the dismissal within the term– introduced by the labour reform – of 60 days from its written notice, in extrajudicial phase, and within the term of 270 days (reduced at 180 days by Law 92/2013), for the judicial phase.

Categories: Legislation

The National Institute for Social Security, with note no. 131/2013, provided the operating instructions for benefiting of the social security incentive stated by the article 1, of Law Decree n. 76/2013, converted with amendments by Law n. 99/2013.