DLP Insights

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, with sentence no. 14071/2013, stated that the companies which have been punished for the breach of the rules concerning security on workplace are not entitled to the fiscal benefits and to the employment incentives.

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, with sentence no. 13240 of May 28, 2013, clarified that the partner of a general partnership is liable for the missed payment of unpaid social security contributions by the company. In the general partnerships all partners are jointly liable without limits for corporate obligations.

Categories: Case Law

Constitutional Court, with sentence no. 107 of May 22, 2013, stated that, in case of fixed term contract for replacement reasons, the employee name must be specified in writing. Nevertheless, for companies with a complex organization, is enough to make reference to employees who are absent in a specific company function.

Categories: Legislation

The National Work Accident Insurance Institute (so called “INAIL”), with note no. 27/2013, confirmed the extension of the reductions introduced by the “stability” Law 2012 even to INAIL contributions for the contracts with trainees entered into from January 1, 2012 up to December 31, 2016.

Categories: Case Law

The Supreme Court, IV criminal section, with sentence no. 21628 of May 20, 2013, confirmed that, regarding security in the work place, the liability for the injury at work is charged on the members of the Board of Directors, unless, throughout a deliberation, the guarantee position is assigned to just one of the directors.