Categories: Case Law
Court of Cassation, with sentence no. 1693 of January 24, stated that the subordinate employee’s refusal of carrying out his work performance (e.g. in the case he/she is assigned to lower duties) can be lawful and, therefore, make unlawful the dismissal based on the principle of “self-protection” in the equivalent performances contract, if the refusal is balanced to the unlawful behavior of the employer and in compliance with the principle of good faith.
Categories: Legislation
INPS, with message No. 2939/2013, has stated that the 30-day period established by Article 9 of Law No. 164/1975 for the petition of the refusing decisions concerning the Ordinary Redundancy Fund delivered by the provincial commissions is not peremptory.
Categories: Legislation
The Decree of the Labor Ministry dated December 22, 2012, published on the Official Gazette no. 37 of February 13, 2013, provides for the so called “bonus baby” for the mother workers.
Categories: Legislation
The provisions of Article 4 of Law n. 92/2012 (so called Fornero’s Reform) have become effective with the publication in the Official Gazette of the Decree of the Ministry of Labour dated December 22, 2012. Therefore, in order to dedicate time to newborn baby’s needs, employees who have become fathers starting from January 1, 2013 must mandatory be absent from work for one day (apart from mother’s status), and optionally (as well as alternately to mother’s absence), for another two days.
Categories: Legislation
The Ministry of Labor has informed that employers who have to hire or transfer Italian employees (or EU employees resident in Italy) for working activities in non-EU countries are required to apply for the relevant authorization from the Ministry of Labour itself.