DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Legislation

Ministry of Employment, with note no. 18273 of October 12, 2012, specified that communications on the termination of the employment relationship have to be sent to the so called “Centro per l’impiego” within 5 days starting from the resolution regardless from the circumstance that the dismissal is effective from the start date of the new settlement procedure, set in the Law no. 92/2012 (so called “Fornero reform”).

Categories: Legislation

The Ministries of Labour and Economy, with interministerial decree, have allocated approx EUR 230 million for the hiring of young workers and of any-age women up to March 31, 2013. In particular, the incentive will be recognized for contracts with young employees up to 29 years-old or women, without age distinction, within a limit for each employer.

Categories: Case Law

Court of Cassation, with sentence no. 34747, filed on September 11, stated that the employer is not liable in case of employees’ work accident, just if he/she exactly checked the fulfillment on the security measures.

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, labor section, with the sentence no. 16622/2012, stated that the dismissal of a call center operator for road service is unlawful because the employer may not monitor his/her calls.

Categories: Legislation

INAIL, with letter No. 48/2012, has established that the employer has to request the opening of a separate territorial insurance position for the regularized employees through a complaint of variation (if he already has an INAIL company code) or a complaint of registration (if he is not enrolled at INAIL).