Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Legislation
The Ministry of Employment, with the answer to the question no. 16/2012, specified that the request of compliance advice to the bilateral authorities does not represent an obligation for the employer but a chance and a guarantee on the proper drafting of the individual training plan.
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation, with judgment No. 9199/2012, stated that the employer should not simply adopt safety measures at work suggested by the fully-developed technology, but has also to supervise that these measures are applied by the employees.
Categories: Legislation
The maximum limit for tax reduction, stated by Article 33, paragraph 12, of the Law No. 183/2011 (so-called “Legge di stabilità 2012”) in EUR 835 million, caused the lowering of the salary maximum amount of the private sector employee involved in the benefit, which decreases to EUR 30 thousand of annual gross salary and to EUR 2.5 thousand of maximum limit.
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Rome, with sentence no. 8841 of May 15th, 2012, stated that the suspension - provided for by the Law no. 10/2011 (law which converted the so called “Decreto Milleproroghe”) - until December 31st, 2011 of the new terms of claiming, established by the art. 32 of Law no. 183/2010 (so called “Collegato Lavoro”), is not referred to the flexible contracts (among others, staff leasing contracts, fixed-term contracts and contracts on project basis).
Categories: Legislation
INAIL, with note No. 3341/2012, stated that employers, who have not complied with the regulative deadline of March 16, 2012 concerning the communication of salaries paid in 2011, may regularize their position making the abovementioned declaration within June 18, 2012, thus avoiding the risk of the application of the administrative sanction equal to EUR 770.