DLP Insights

Categories: Case Law

Court of Cassation, with sentence no. 2521 of January 24, 2012, denies the major case law of the judges of first instance on temporary job, confirming that “the need to face a peak of activity increase” is enough for entering into a fixed term temporary job contract.

Categories: Legislation

Government issued the bill concerning labour law reform.

Categories: Legislation

The Council of Ministers approved the bill on the labor market reform.

Categories: Legislation

The obligation to specify the reason (technical, organizational, productive or replacing reasons) to justify the use of a fixed-term contract has been deleted in the bill regarding the labor market reform.

Categories: Case Law

Court of Cassation, with sentence no. 4258/2012, stated that the dismissal of an executive who uses the password of others to enter into the company system is unlawful if that is a normal practice in the office, confirming the decision of the Court of Appeal of Milan.