DLP Insights

Categories: Case Law

Court of Appeal of Rome, with sentence no. 267/2012, stated that employees who obtain the conversion of a fixed-term contract into an open-ended term contract are entitled to two kind of damages: indemnity in lieu of notice period set by the so called “Collegato Lavoro” and a further damage, i.e. an amount equal to the salary the employee would have accrued from the date of the filing of the judicial appeal to that of the sentence.

Categories: Case Law

Court of Cassation, criminal section, with sentence no. 5420/2012, stated that the missed drafting of the document concerning the risks assessment, so called “DUVRI - Documento unico di valutazione dei rischi”, with the related missed risks assessment arisen from work interferences between the employees of the principal and those ones of the contractor, is a circumstance which entails liabilities itself, in the case of injury.

Categories: Legislation

INPS, with memorandum No. 21/2012, brought up to date the minimum daily salary amount limits as well as the other values related to all social security contributions to comply with, in the first useful monthly installments, by the employers who are required to send to the relevant Institutes the several declarations concerning the social security contribution.

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, with sentence No. 1462 of December 20th, 2011, has stated that the damages compensation which has to be paid to the employee, in the case of reintegration in the workplace as a result of unfair dismissal, has to include not only the period between the date of dismissal and the retirement but also the subsequent periods.

Categories: Legislation

With the note no. 141/2011, Italian social security Institute (so called “INPS”) run the temporary period to pass to the on-line modality for the application to obtain the ordinary layoff.