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Categories: Legislation
On December 4th, 2011 the Council of Ministers passed the decree so-called “Save Italy” whose main measures are:
Categories: Legislation
The Minister of Labor, Elsa Fornero, signed the decree which allows the contributive reduction applicable to the part of variable salary paid in 2011 on the basis of second-level collective bargaining.
Categories: Legislation
The Law Decree No. 201/2011 concerning urgent provisions for growth, equity and consolidation of public accounts (so-called “Monti Decree”), passed on December 4th, 2011 and in force starting from December 6th, 2011, contains also the pensions reform. Below, briefly, the main new provisions.
Categories: Legislation
In order to hire a foreign employee it is not required the signature of the residence contract (“contratto di soggiorno”) anymore. The communication to the competent Authority (so called “Centro per l’Impiego”), or to INPS for domestic helpers and caregivers, will only guarantee the issuance and renewal of residence permit for non-European employees. The mentioned cancellation is provided for by the note of the Ministry of Labour No. 4773 of 28th November 2011.
Categories: Legislation
INPS specified that the from December 1st, 2011 the following requests may be transmitted online only: (i) the employers’ request for medical control of sick employees; (ii) the sole substitutive declaration (so called “DSU”) for Ise/Isee purposes; (iii) the request for family benefits for farmers, husbandmen and sharecroppers