DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Legislation

On June 9, 2011 the final version of the Legislative Decree - realization of one delegation of the so called “Collegato Lavoro” (Law no. 183/2010) - which aims to simplify and reorganize the provisions concerning the regulations of leaves for employees of public and private sectors, was approved by the Council of Ministers.

Categories: Case Law

Court of Cassation, with sentence no. 10341 of May 11, 2011, stated that indemnity in lieu of unused vacations and weekly rests is not considered as item of salary but compensation for damages.

Categories: Legislation

According to the Justice Committee of the Chamber of Deputies the Legislative Decree which inserts the environmental crimes into the Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 extends excessively the liability of companies for environmental offenses as it would also introduce hypothesis of crime for minimum damage and for danger which would prove no real offensiveness.

Categories: Case Law

Court of Cassation, with the sentence no. 20845/2011, stated that financial straits of the employer may not justify the missed payment of the social security deductions anyhow.

Categories: Legislation

INPS, with message no. 11240/2011, communicated that the “procedural” verifications are initiated in order to exclude the sending of the so called “avvisi di addebito” – provided with a value of execution document since January 1, 2011, under Article 30 of Law by Decree no. 78/2010 (converted with Law no. 122/2010) – when payments have been already made.