Categories: Case Law
Supreme Court – disregarding its previous guideline based on art. 18 Law no. 300/70 – with sentence no. 1244/2011, stated that employer who already dismissed an employee for just cause or justified ground, may communicate to the same employee a second dismissal, provided that the last one is due to different cause or ground.
Categories: Legislation
The sending of the disabled workers form, provided for by the Law no. 68/99, may be executed from 15th to 31st January 2011.
Categories: Legislation
INPS, with memorandum no. 168/2010, specified that the new proceeding concerning contributive credits collection – provided for by the article 30 of the Law Decree no. 78/2010 and in force from 1st January 2011 – doesn’t exclude the “friendly charge notice” (so called “avviso bonario”) which continues to be used by the Institute in order to claim the payment of credit amounts, arising from contributive omissions.
Categories: Legislation
FIAT signed a new agreement with UGL, FIM, UILM, FISMIC and other metalworkers unions on yesterday, 29 December 2010.
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation decided that it is forbidden to modify “in progress” the selection criteria concerning the workers to be suspended for “Cassa Integrazione Guadagni Straordinaria”.