Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Legislation
The Senate approved the Law Decree which introduces the so called “quote rosa” in the board of the quoted companies or of the companies controlled by the public administration.
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Busto Arsizio, with sentence no. 528/2010, applied for the first time the provision of Law no. 183/2010 (so called “Collegato Lavoro”) that states, in case of conversion of a fixed-term contract – because of formal and substantial unlawfulness – the sentence of the employer to compensate the employee with “an all-comprehensive indemnity ranging from a minimum of 2,5 to a maximum of 12 monthly wages”.
Categories: Legislation
In November 2010 the decree which provided for 100 thousand jobs for the hiring of non-EU citizen domestic helps, carers and employees was signed.
Categories: Legislation
Article 33 of Law no. 183/2010 (so called “Labor Attachment”) provides new and compulsory rules for a more correct and clear procedure concerning the inspection activity in the Labor and Social Security Legislation areas.
Categories: Legislation
The Senate has conclusively approved the financial manoeuvring for the next three years.