DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Legislation

The Law Decree no. 78/2010, article 30, passed with Law no. 122/2010, has modified the proceedings concerning the cashing of INPS debts – deriving from both declaratory action and contribution not paid – with the abrogation of the rolls system and the introduction of a debit note as writ of execution.

Categories: Legislation

INPS, with memorandum no. 119/10, has indicated the other modality for sending the disease certificates to INPS with the employer certified mail (so called “PEC”), as provided by the Ministerial Decree 26 February 2010.

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation hasn’t recognized that an accident so called “in itinere” occurred (and has denied the relevant restore) to a worker who used to go to work by motorcycle and not by public means of transport.

Categories: Case Law

The Supreme Court, with the order no. 17720/2010, stated that the minutes of the social security institutions’ officials are to be considered as evidence of the circumstances that the officials certify as occurred in their presence, whereas, with reference to the other circumstances indicated, the probative material is valuable and appreciable by the judge.

Categories: Legislation

After one year by the enacting of the Law Decree no. 78/2009 (Law no. 102/2009) concerning provisions against the economic shortage, the rules to make effectiveness the specific provisions on the preservation of the job have been specified by INPS, with the message no. 20810/2010, concerning the social contributions profiles matters, and by INAIL, with the note dated 2nd July 2010, concerning the calculation of the insurance bonus.