Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Legislation
The Senate definitively approved the so-called “Labour Attachment to the financial measure” (Bill 1167-B).
Categories: Legislation
Italian Leg. Decree 5/10 came into force on 20 February 2010 to implement European Community Directive 54/06 on equal opportunity and equal treatment between men and women at the work place.
Categories: Legislation
Following approval of Ministry of Labour decree dated 27 October 2009, the supplementary company healthcare funds and the mutual aid organizations, banks and companies challenged for welfare must register with the relevant register office of the supplementary healthcare funds set up at the Ministry by 30 April 2010.
Categories: Legislation
With Circular no. 5/2010, INPS explained the conditions required for recognition of the financial incentive introduced by art. 7-ter of Italian Law 33/09.
Categories: Legislation
Interministry Decree 49281/10 has been published in the Official Gazette. It implements the provisions contained in Italian Law no. 102/09 concerning professional training and requalification of suspended workers, preceptors of income support treatments.