Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Legislation
INAIL (National institute for insurance against injuries at work) has published circular letter no. 43/09 with which it describes the operating procedures for communicating the information on Workers’ Safety Representatives (RLS).
Categories: Legislation
Law no. 94/09 was published in the ordinary supplement of the Italian Official Gazette no. 170 of 24 July 2009.
Categories: Legislation
A decree of the Ministry of Labour dated 29 June 2009 changed the procedure for applying for this special redundancy fund in the event of a company crisis consequent to a “sudden and unexpected event”.
Categories: Case Law
The Cassation Court has clarified that an out of court confession made by an employee subject to a disciplinary measure is legal and cannot be revoked unless the self-confessed employee demonstrates that it has been determined by a mistake of fact or violence.
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation has recognised the legality of dismissing an employee who provides legal assistance to third parties in legal proceedings against his employer.