Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation has clarified that dismissal of a disabled person working when there are jobs in the company which are compatible with his/her disablement, even if covered by other employees, is unfair.
Categories: Legislation
The Finance Act for 2010 has been finally approved. The so-called ‘Welfare Package’ has brought about many changes.
Categories: Legislation
By way of approval of Italian Law No. 172 dated 13 November 2009, the so-called Health ‘unpacking’ from the Employment Ministry has been foreseen.
Categories: Legislation
The Ministry for Welfare, by Circular No. 36/09, has drawn the attention of Local Labour Authorities to the privileging of the ‘preliminary monocratic settlement’ in their respective inspection activities, in view of the rapid resolution of employment disputes.
Categories: Legislation
The Senate voted for the approval of the finance act 2010. As to the labour aspects, about EUR 1,100 millions are set aside for the welfare, of which 860 to allow the social security benefits for production bonuses and incentives.