Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation has stated that mobbing is considered “conduct by a supervisor which is systematic and lasts over time which entails repeated hostile behaviour within the work environment, leading to forms of abuse of power or psychological persecution, and may result in the moral humiliation and alienation of the employee”.
Categories: Case Law
The 4th Penal Section of the Cassation Court has established that the “contractor” employer shall be liable for accidents of its employees if it has not informed them of the dangers and measures to avoid them and if it has not monitored to ensure that such measures have not been applied.
Categories: Legislation
Legislative Decree no. 106/09 became effective on 20 August, it integrates and corrects the Consolidated Act on safety at work (Legislative Decree no. 81/08).
Categories: Legislation
INAIL (National institute for insurance against injuries at work) has published circular letter no. 43/09 with which it describes the operating procedures for communicating the information on Workers’ Safety Representatives (RLS).
Categories: Legislation
Law no. 94/09 was published in the ordinary supplement of the Italian Official Gazette no. 170 of 24 July 2009.