Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Legislation
With an Order dated 11 January 2023, the Italian Data Protection Authority (Autorità Garante per la protezione dei dati personali, the ‘Authority’) imposed on a company the payment of an administrative fine equal to EUR 5,000 for having kept active and read the contents of the email account of a collaborator. The facts During some ....
Categories: Legislation
With the order No 7306 of 13 March 2023, the Italian Court of Cassation ruled that in the event that the worker, during the use of paid leave under Article 33, paragraph 3 of Italian Law 604/92, carries out the assistance activity in times and ways such as to mainly satisfy the needs of seriously ....
Categories: Case Law
With judgment No 6902 of 8 March 2023 (which follows two further similar rulings: judgments No 5788 and No 5796, both dated 24 February 2023, of the Italian Court of Cassation), the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation ruled that the transferred employee, who sees the employment relationship with the transferor judicially restored, is not entitled ....
Categories: Do you know that
Italian Legislative Decree no. 24 of 10 March 2023 (the ‘Decree’), implementing Directive (EU) 2019/1937 and ‘on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law and containing provisions concerning the protection of persons who report breaches of national regulatory provisions’ (so-called Whistleblowing Directive),has been published in the Italian Official Gazette no. 63 of ....
Categories: Publications
On 24 January 2023, the Italian Data Protection Authority (Autorità Garante per la protezione dei dati personali, the ‘Authority’) provided some interpretative and operational guidelines on data protection, which arose following the entry into force of Italian Legislative Decree of 27 June 2022, No 104 (also known as the ‘Transparency Decree’). As is well-known, Article ....