DLP Insights

Categories: Legislation

In its recent judgment No 5288 of 20 February 2023, the Italian Court of Cassation ruled that, with reference to the national collective bargaining agreement for employees in the tertiary sector (hereinafter the ‘CCNL’), the job retention period of 180 days, to be calculated in a calendar year starting from the first episode of illness, ....

Categories: Legislation, Publications

With the recent order No 1584 of 19 January 2023, the Italian Court of Cassation addressed dismissal for ‘poor performance’, stating that conduct that had previously been the subject of separate disciplinary proceedings cannot be used as a basis for dismissal on the grounds of poor performance. Poor performance consists in a breach by the ....

Categories: Do you know that

Italian Law of 24 February 2023, No 14 converted into law, with some modifications, Italian Decree-law of 29 December 2022, No 198, containing ‘urgent provisions regarding legislative deadlines. Extension of deadlines for the exercise of legislative powers’ (the so-called Milleproroghe Decree) published in the Italian Official Gazette No 49 of 27 February 2023: extended the ....

Categories: Publications

With Order of 23 January 2023, No 1965, the Italian Court of Cassation stated that, for the purposes of applying the collective dismissal procedure referred to in Italian Law 223/1991, the size requirement of at least 15 employees must refer to the company as a whole and not to the single production unit. The facts ....

Categories: Publications

On 24 January 2023, the Personal Data Protection Authority (the “Authority”) gave the first interpretative and operative indications on the processing by employers of employees’ personal data using automated decision-making or monitoring systems aimed at providing information (i) that is relevant for the recruitment or appointment; for the management or termination of the employment; for ....