DLP Insights

Categories: Publications

All labor cases in Italy are under the jurisdiction of a dedicated specialized labor court. This court is characterized by high outstanding celerity (speed and effectiveness). The celerity of the labor trial is ensured by: a special judicial procedure dedicated to disputes concerning labor relations (including dismissals), anti-union conduct, and social security; orality of the procedure; broad ....

Categories: Interviews

On 23 February 2023 Vittorio De Luca took part in the third edition of the Welfare & HR Summit of Il Sole 24 Ore for an in-depth discussion on the anti-offshoring regulation.

Categories: Publications

The order under comment confirms the Supreme Court case law which differentiates the deadlinesapplicable to the actions carried out by employees under procurement contract and those governingcontribution recovery by INPS. In its order no.  38151 of 30 December 2022 the Court of Cassation, ruled on procurement contract joint and several liability, confirming its policy according ....

Categories: Publications

To verify the existence of just cause or justified subjective reason for dismissal, the fact that a contractual breach similar to that contested against the dismissed employee, committed by another employee, and assessed differently by the employer is irrelevant. This was the Court of Cassation’s opinion, labour section, order no. 88 of 3 January 2023. ....

Categories: Publications

In its order no.88 of 3 January 2023, the Supreme Court of Cassation explained the delicateseparation between just cause and justifiability in manager dismissals. The Supreme Court held that for the justifiability of the manager’s dismissal to exist, it is sufficient to prove two of the six disciplinary charges originally contested against the manager. The ....