DLP Insights

Categories: Case Law

The Italian Court of Cassation, with order of 11 October 2022, No 29720, confirmed that ‘any equipment, ancillary or accessory which could actually constitute a protective barrier, however small or limited, with respect to any risk to the health and safety of the worker in compliance with Article 2087 of the Italian Civil Code’ falls ....

Categories: Legislation

The Italian Court of Cassation, with judgment No 33134 of 10 November 2022, established that there is no unjustified absence if a worker delivers the medical certificate of illness after receiving the disciplinary complaint. The facts of the case Following an unjustified absence lasting seven days, a worker was dismissed for just cause. Both the ....

Categories: Case Law

With order No 32020/2022, published on 28 October 2022, the Italian Court of Cassation, IV civil section, expressed its opinion on the distinctive features that differentiate straining from mobbing. The proceedings arise from the appeal presented before the Court of Paola by a municipal employee who complained of having been subjected to malicious conduct by ....


On 17 October 2022, Italian Legislative Decree No 149/2022, implementing Italian Delegated Law No 206/2021, was published in the Italian Official Gazette, under which the reform of the civil litigation proceedings is also extended to the rules governing employment proceedings. The objective is to reorganise and consolidate the various changes that, in recent years, have ....

Categories: Do you know that

On 18 November 2022, Italian Decree-law No 176/2022 (the ‘Aiuti–quater [LT1] Decree’) containing additional measures to support the energy sector and relating to employment and public finance, was published in the Italian Official Gazette. With reference to the new initiatives in the employment sphere, the Aiuti-quater Decree provided for a further increase in the tax and ....