DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Interviews

During this episode Stefania Raviele delved into the issues of inclusion and gender equality within corporate organizations and how they are required to take into account numerous factors such as ESG, LGBTQ+, D&I, Welfare, Gender Equality, and Parenting Support. You can watch the full interview on Rinascita Digitale.

Categories: Publications

The Court of Rome differs from the Capitoline Court of Appeal guidelines over the exclusion of the dismissal prohibition for managers during the Covid emergency. Measures to combat Covid 19 – Decree Law no. 18/2020 and Decree Law no. 104/2020 – Dismissal prohibition for objective justified reason – Manager – Dismissal for position redundancy – ....

Categories: Publications

The agreement reached between the parties under the assisted negotiation procedure will be incontrovertible and subject to the same stability regime for conciliation agreements signed under any “protected procedure”, under Art. 2113, fourth paragraph of the Italian Civil Code. The Reform of the Civil Process, (Legislative Decree 10 October 2022, no. 149 of 10 October ....

Categories: Legislation

In its order no. 25287 of 24 August 2022, the Court of Cassation ruled on monitoring carried out by the employer and confirmed the legal principles within which the employer may use a detective agency.   This case involved a worker dismissed because he was accused of leaving the workplace repeatedly during working hours, for activities ....

Categories: Publications

By order no. 24977/2022, filed on 19 August 2022, the Italian court of Cassation held that a notice sent by the Employer to the Unitary Workplace Union Structure (RSU) regarding the staff holiday plan cannot replace the individual notice. The notice, the Court ruled, must indicate, for each addressee, the time period in which s/the ....