DLP Insights

Categories: Case Law

In its order no. 21453 of 6 July 2022, the Court of Cassation stated that if there is a company transfer, a worker reinstated after the employment contract term’s ineffectiveness was confirmed, is treated as transferred ex lege to the transferee. Facts of the case The case concerns the effectiveness of a business transfer for ....

Categories: Legislation

On 23 September, Decree Law  144/2022 ( Aiuti-ter (Aid ter) decree) was published on the Official Gazette. The Decree introduced significant changes which benefit workers and established new and different allowances for employees, self-employed workers and other categories. This is additional to the provisions of the Aiuti (Aid) decree (Decree Law 50/2022) and modifies the ....

Categories: Practice

In addition to information already provided by the National Labour Inspectorate (circular no. 4 of 10 August 2022), the Ministry of Labour, with this circular, outlined the application of the new information requirements introduced by Legislative Decree no. 104 of 27 June 2022 “Transparency Decree”). As already noted in National Labour Inspectorate Circular no. 4/2022, ....

Categories: Do you know that

Legislative Decree no. 149, of 10 October 2022, by inserting Article 2-ter to the Decree Law no. 132, of 12 September 2014, introduced assisted negotiation in labour disputes under Art. 409 of the Code of Civil Procedure. The provision allows the parties (employer/client and employee) to resort to assisted negotiation, with the help of a ....

Categories: Publications

On September 14, 2022, the European Parliament finally approved the directive implementing the minimum wage principle in the European Union. The directive was also finally approved on October 4 by the Council of the European Union. The goal is to ensure “a reasonable standard of living”, the directive states. The latter does not provide for ....