DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Practice

The National Employment Inspectorate (”INL”), with note no. 9550 of 6 September 2022 set the new provisions of Legislative Decree no. 105 of 30 June 2022, (the “Decree“) on leave and time off and other measures for the protection of caregivers. The Decree, also known as the “Work-Life Balance Decree” entered into force on 13 ....

Categories: Do you know that

Law no. 142, of 21 September 2022,  converting decree law no. 115 of 9 August 2022, (“Aiuti-bis” decree) on “Urgent measures on energy, water emergency, social and industrial policies” was published in the Official Gazette no. 221 of 21 September 2022. The law introduced important changes on remote working. The use of simplified remote working, ....

Categories: Interviews

In the recently approved Aiuti ter decree, there is a squeeze on provisions applicable to employers with more than 250 employees who intend to lay off at least 50 employees, due to branches or plant closure as part of a definitive business termination. De Luca & Partners managing partner lawyer Vittorio De Luca, said: “The ....

Categories: Publications

In its order no. 25287 of 24 August 2022, the Court of Cassation ruled on remote controls carried out by the employer and confirmed the legal principles within which the employer may use a detective agency. According to the Supreme Court, the employer may use a detective agency if offences have been committed or there ....

Categories: Interviews

New paths. A changing of the guard after 50 years. Mergers and openings for “external” partners. Different paths There isn’t just one way to plan change. This can be done by looking beyond the family circle.  De Luca & Partners recently opened up to those outside the De Luca family and appointed lawyer Stefania Raviele ....