Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Interviews
Durante la puntata speciale di Affari Legali Focus, in onda oggi alle h 21.00 su Class CNBC, Vittorio De Luca parlerà dei profili giuslavoristici del Carried Interest. Al panel dei relatori partecipano anche Francesca Torricelli, partner di Greenberg Traurig Santa Maria, e Simone Zucchetti, partner di Tremonti Romagnoli Piccardi e Associati, che approfondiranno i profili civilistici e fiscali dell’istituto. L’intervista sarà condotta ....
Categories: Publications
Con ordinanza 4404/2022 del 10 febbraio, la Cassazione torna a esprimersi circa i profili di legittimità del licenziamento (per giusta causa) intimato al lavoratore sul presupposto del grave inadempimento legato al rifiuto di assoggettarsi al trasferimento ad altra sede. Con l’ordinanza in commento, la Suprema Corte ha stabilito che, anche in ipotesi di trasferimento che violi l’articolo ....
Categories: Practice
The Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, with circular letter no. 3 of 3 January 2022, provided the first operating indications concerning wage subsidies applied to employment in light of the new introduction of 2022 Budget Law (Law no. 234/2021). As seen in various circumstances,innovative interventions provided by the law are aimed at building a ....
Categories: Legislation
On 5 January 2022, the Council of Ministers, based on a proposal from the Prime Minister and Minister of Health, approved a law-decree that introduces “urgent measures for dealing with the COVID-19 emergency, in particular in workplaces, schools and institutes of higher learning”. The decree-law was published in the Official Gazette last 7 January and ....
Categories: Do you know that
With message no. 4027 of 18 November 2021, INPS published on its institutional website the following 19 November a clarification stating that the decree law no. 146 of 21 October 2021, fiscally linked to the 2022 Budget law, changed the regulations on protections envisaged during the Covid-19 healthcare emergency, inter alia, for quarantined workers. The ....