Categories: Publications
Partners and Associates of the Law Firm De Luca & Partners are proud to announce the release of the new handbook “Italian Employment and Labour Law”, edited by Wolters Kluwer, with the grant patronage of “The British Chamber of Commerce for Italy – BCCI”. In Italy the labour and employment law environment has recently been ....
Categories: Practice
With its message no. 721 of 14 February 2022, Inps has provided instructions and clarifications about the “Greenpass50+” service features to verify the possession and validity of the green certification of workers aged 50 years or older. Since last 15 February and until 15 June, the legislature has imposed compulsory vaccination for those aged 50 ....
Categories: Case Law
With its ruling no. 3724/2022, filed on 2 February, the Court of Cassation held that an employer who “warns” staff that they may lose their job to force them to accept financial conditions that do not match the services they provide was extortion. Facts of the case Two employees brought an action against their employer, ....
Categories: Case Law
With its order no. 2246 of 26 January 2022, the Court of Cassation ruled that a manager who sent an angry email to the company’s top management engaged in conduct likely to disrupt the relationship of trust that binds them to the employer, even if it did not formally breach their work obligations. Facts of ....
Categories: Case Law
With its ruling no. 1099 of 14 January 2022, the Court of Cassation stated that specifying duties covered by the probation clause may refer to the collective agreement declarations if the reference is specific enough. Facts of the case The Supreme Court’s ruling stems from a Court of Appeal of Trento ruling, which upheld a ....