DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Do you know that

Decree Law of 21 October 2021, no. 146​ on “Urgent measures on financial and tax matters, to protect labour and for undeferrable needs” ( “Tax Labour Decree“), converted with amendments by Law 17 December 2021, no. 215, with the provisions contained in Article 13, has made some changes to Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 ( “Consolidated ....

Categories: Publications

By Order no. 1621/2021 of 30 December, the Court of Padua stated that there is no general obligation on the employer to negotiate: the employer may legitimately choose the trade union or unions with which to enter into negotiations, and even exclude some of them from the negotiations. Likewise, according to the Court, there is ....

Categories: Publications

The pandemic has prompted the legislator to identify tools that can help companies and workers overcome the crisis and help companies move towards a new production system.The legislator, responding to social partners’ long-standing requests, has reformed the social safety nets and intervened on the existing inconsistencies to universalise and rationalise them, govern labour market instabilities ....

Categories: Interviews

Durante la puntata speciale di Affari Legali Focus, in onda oggi alle h 21.00 su Class CNBC, Vittorio De Luca parlerà dei profili giuslavoristici del Carried Interest. Al panel dei relatori partecipano anche Francesca Torricelli, partner di Greenberg Traurig Santa Maria, e Simone Zucchetti, partner di Tremonti Romagnoli Piccardi e Associati, che approfondiranno i profili civilistici e fiscali dell’istituto. L’intervista sarà condotta ....

Categories: Publications

Con ordinanza 4404/2022 del 10 febbraio, la Cassazione torna a esprimersi circa i profili di legittimità del licenziamento (per giusta causa) intimato al lavoratore sul presupposto del grave inadempimento legato al rifiuto di assoggettarsi al trasferimento ad altra sede. Con l’ordinanza in commento, la Suprema Corte ha stabilito che, anche in ipotesi di trasferimento che violi l’articolo ....