Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Practice
The Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, with circular letter no. 3 of 3 January 2022, provided the first operating indications concerning wage subsidies applied to employment in light of the new introduction of 2022 Budget Law (Law no. 234/2021). As seen in various circumstances,innovative interventions provided by the law are aimed at building a ....
Categories: Legislation
On 5 January 2022, the Council of Ministers, based on a proposal from the Prime Minister and Minister of Health, approved a law-decree that introduces “urgent measures for dealing with the COVID-19 emergency, in particular in workplaces, schools and institutes of higher learning”. The decree-law was published in the Official Gazette last 7 January and ....
Categories: Do you know that
With message no. 4027 of 18 November 2021, INPS published on its institutional website the following 19 November a clarification stating that the decree law no. 146 of 21 October 2021, fiscally linked to the 2022 Budget law, changed the regulations on protections envisaged during the Covid-19 healthcare emergency, inter alia, for quarantined workers. The ....
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation with its order no. 1242 of 17 January 2022, ruled on the limitation, to a certain department, of the range of employees to dismiss for a collective procedure, setting out the requirements so that such limitation can be considered lawful. Facts of the case The event originated from a collective dismissal ....
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Asti, with the order of 5 January 2022, ruled that the quarantine period (as per art. 26, paragraph 1, Decree Law 18/2020 applicable ratione temporis) or voluntary homestay is not valid for calculating the protection period, not only vis-a-vis subjects who have had close contact with confirmed cases, but also regarding subjects ....