Categories: Publications
The Supreme Courte, by its decision no. 23852 of 5 September 2024, examined the question of the dismissal for just cause of an employee who, during a period of illness, participated in a football tournament already scheduled, thereby breaching his obligations of diligence, loyalty and fairness, thus jeopardising his recovery or return to work. The ....
Categories: Legislation
On 16 September was published in the Official Gazette the Decree-Law no. 131/2024 (i.e. “Decreto Salva Infrazioni”) – in force since 17 September – which also intervened on the regulation of fixed-term contracts through which the European Union requested Italy to align Italian legislation with EU Directive 1999/70/EC on fixed-term work. The “Salva Infrazioni” decree ....
Categories: Case Law
This has been stated by the Court of Cassation, decision no. 24797/2024 of 16 September 2024. In detail, a few employees – each in the context of their own dispute over matters relating to their employment relationship – had submitted to the court a recording of a conversation that had taken place some years earlier ....
Categories: Publications
The Court of Cassation, in its decision no. 24130 of 9 September 2024, provided important clarifications regarding the use of work permits under Law no. 104 of 1992, stating that a worker may be absent for short personal activities, such as shopping, and that this does not automatically entail an abuse of the right or ....
Categories: Publications
“By including the role of workers’ safety representative (i.e. “RLS”) in the area of protected subjects such as trade unionists as representatives of collective interests, the expression of solidarity with other workers with general trade union political significance is included in the constitutionally protected right to criticize and the right to express opinions”. This has ....