DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Practice

Decree Law no. 105/2021 established that, as of 6 August 2021, the COVID-19 green certificate ( Green Pass) is mandatory to access a range of services/activities, including catering services provided by any establishment for consumption at the table indoors, gyms and cinemas, to participate in sports and cultural events and selection procedures. The Green Pass ....

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, with its ruling no. 22819/2021, considered legitimate the dismissal of a worker who refused to return to the company, at the employer’s request, because the preventive suitability medical examination referred to in Article 41, paragraph 2, letter e-ter), of Legislative Decree 9 April 2008, no. 81 (Consolidated Law on health and ....

Categories: Legislation

Whistleblowing is being redefined . The Legislative Decree implementing the EU Directive 2019/1937 “on the protection of persons who report Union law violations” (the “Directive“) is almost ready. It will bring significant changes compared to the rules that came into force in 2012 (Law 6 November 2012, no. 190) in the public sector and at ....

Categories: Do you know that

INPS (the Italian Social Security Institution), with its message no. 2842 of 6 August 2021, provides guidelines on the absence of private-sector workers for Covid quarantine with active monitoring or voluntary homestay with active monitoring or for precautionary quarantine, ordered by the public health operator. So far, INPS has treated quarantine in the same way ....

Categories: Publications

In a ruling dated 8 July 2021, the Court of Trento, upheld a disciplinary dismissal (for just cause) imposed on a teacher who repeatedly refused to wear a protective mask while working at school. In this case, the teacher, employed by the Autonomous Province of Trento, refused to comply with an order issued by the ....