Categories: Case Law
In a 2 July 2021 order, The Court of Milan ruled that, dismissals announced by the same company to six executives, in the same period and based on the same objective reasons, were part of the collective redundancies subject to the prohibition during the pandemic. The Court held that it was irrelevant that four of ....
Categories: Legislation
Published in the Official Gazette no. 176 of 24 July 2021, Law no. 106 of 23 July 2021, (hereafter the “Conversion Law“), converting Decree-Law no. 73 of 25 May 2021containing “urgent measures related to the COVID-19 emergency, for businesses, work, young people, health and regional services” Support Decree-bis). The measure entered into force the day ....
Categories: Do you know that
On 16 June 2021, Confcommercio Imprese per l’Italia and Manageritalia signed an agreement to extend the NCLA of 21 July 2016 until 31 December 2021. With the same agreement, the Social Partners have amended some Agreement provisions. The main changes include the maximum duration of the protected period, which is confirmed as 240 days in ....
Categories: Publications
Although the redundancy fund for the workforce (or a department) takes precedence over sick pay, the protected period continues to apply. This means that the dismissal of an employee who exceeded the protected period in such circumstances is legitimate. In a 17 July 2021 order, the Court of Foggia ruled on the validity of a ....
Categories: Publications
Also this year, De Luca & Partners participated in the drafting of the 8th edition of the Employment & Labour Law volume, which is part of the Global Legal Insights collection. The eighth edition of the Employment & Labour Law guide, updated to 2021 and extended to 17 countries around the world, was made available a ....