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Categories: Publications
With decree no. 8609 of 28 March 2021, the Milan Court declared art. 28 of Law no. 300/1970 (“Workers’ Statute”) applicable to employer-coordinated freelance work as per art. 2 of Leg. Decree no. 81/2015. The judge did not hold the employer’s explicit reference to art. 28 above, sufficient for removing precautionary protection for companies that ....
Categories: Practice
The Italian Data Protection Authority, last May 14 published a document on the Company Physician role regarding the implementation of vaccination plans for the activation of extraordinary anti-Covid-19 vaccination points, provided by the National Protocol signed on 6 April 2021. In this document, the Data Protection Authority clarifies that the tasks assigned to the Company ....
Categories: Practice
In its 15 April 2021 injunction order, the Italian Data Protection Authority fined a company operating in the manufacturing sector for failing to punctually and adequately inform the employees about the features of a computer system. In doing so, the company unlawfully processed workers’ data beyond the limits set by the authorisation of the local ....
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation, in ruling no. 12932/2021, reiterated that the waiver of notice period by the employee and the related substitute allowance, formalised by a settlement agreement made after the notice of dismissal, does not affect the obligation to pay social security contributions to INPS. Facts of the case In this case, a bank, ....
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation, in its ruling of 6 May 2021, no. 12040, declared that it was legitimate to limit the scope of a collective dismissal procedure to the production units undergoing reorganisation instead of covering the entire company workforce. Facts of the case In December 2016, a company initiated a collective dismissal procedure, limiting ....