Categories: Publications
Employees who work a daily shift exceeding 6 hours, must be granted a substitute meal voucher if they are unable to use the canteen service or if, due to their job, they are not able to take a break. This principle expressed by the Court of Cassation, which, with ruling no. 5547 of 1 March ....
Categories: Publications
According to Supreme Court n. 4056 of February 16, 2021: “the aliunde perceptum is not exception in the strict sense and is therefore detectable ex officio by the Judge if the relevant factual circumstances are duly acquired during the trial. For this reason, the exception of deduction of the aliunde perceptum is not subject to ....
Categories: Publications
Under order no. 27757, published 3/12/2020, the Cassation Court confirmed that renewal of a National Collective Bargaining Agreement (CCNL) only signed by some employer associations, has no effect on application of clauses regarding pay even for companies that belong to non-signatory unions. In detail, a worker obtained an order for payment, part for failure to ....
Categories: Publications
Under the Law No. 81 of 22 May 2017 on “Measures for the protection of non-entrepreneurial self-employment and measures aimed to facilitate flexibility in regard to locations and times of subordinate work”, remote working has been recently regulated in the Italian legal regime for the first time. This is a flexible style of working, regulated ....
Categories: Publications
The Court of Cassation, February 3, 2021, no. 2472 ruled that the non-pecuniary damage to professionalism must be traced back to the emerging damage and, as such, not concurrent with the formation of taxable employment income pursuant to art. 49, co. 1, TUIR. The subjection of the sums to tax and social security contributions must ....