DLP Insights

Categories: Publications

The Court of Cassation no. 24208 – 02/11/2020 focused again on the value of the statements made during the inspection for the judge called to assess the existence of the employer’s obligation to pay contributions, especially if the latter has not fulfilled the burden of proof. The Supreme Court held that “The principle of self-sufficiency ....

Categories: Practice

The Labour Inspectorate, with note no. 1037 of 26 November 2020, intervened on an investigation of offences against an employing party in a “labour-intensive” contract. Regulatory references Art. 4 of the Decree Law 124/2019 (the “Fiscal Decree“) added to Legislative Decree 241/1997 the new art. 17bis, which imposes new obligations on employing parties in labour-intensive ....

Categories: Practice

Following what was announced to the social partners at the meeting held on 18 November 2020, the Ministry of Labour issued the following 19 November Circular no. 17 explaining the regulations governing digital platforms’ delivery cyclists (riders). The Ministry outlined the essential features of Legislative Decree of 15 June 2015, no. 81, as amended and ....

Categories: Case Law

The Constitutional Court, with its ruling no. 254 filed on 26 November 2020, declared inadmissible the constitutional legitimacy issues raised by the Naples Court of Appeal on the Jobs Act provisions concerning collective redundancies which violated the selection criteria. the Board considered the judge’s reasoning on the relevance insufficient and any request for corrective action ....

Categories: Case Law

The Supreme Court of Cassation, with its ruling no. 23385 of 23 October 2020, stated that regarding waivers and settlements, the employee’s declaration may be considered as a waiver if the settlement agreement was issued with awareness of determined or objectively determinable rights and with a conscious intent to waive or settle them. Facts of ....