DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Do you know that

Law 30 December 2020, no. 178 (2021 Budget Law) introduced a new protection period from 1 January 2021 to the following 28 February for public and private at-riskemployees. INPS clarified this with its message no. 171 of 15 January. This protection involves equating the period of absence from work to hospitalisation for workers in possession ....

Categories: Publications

The Supreme Court With ruling no. 553 of 2021 confirmed the legitimacy of the dismissal for just cause imposed on a worker who had uttered offensive and threatening sentences against the company’s judicial administrator. The Supreme Court argued that the decision of the Court of Appeal of Bari which had declared the legitimacy of the ....

Categories: Publications

 The Supreme Court of Cassation, with its ruling no. 26509, published on 20 November 2020, reaffirmed a principle by which company collective agreements apply erga omnes to all company workers, even if they are not members of negotiating trade unions. Exceptions are workers who joined a different trade union organisation and disagreed with the agreement. ....

Categories: Publications

Budget Law 2021 covers a wide range of measures in labour, taxation, liquidity support areas and business development and, in 1,150 paragraphs, outlines the financial manoeuvre rules. Art. 1, paragraph 279, of Law 30 December 2020, no. 178, extended until 31 March 2021 the possibility of extending or renewing fixed-term contracts by repealing the strict ....

Categories: Practice

The National Employment Inspectorate (the ”NEI”), with note no. 1156 dated 22 December 2020, provided to the territorial inspectorates clarifications on the procedure to be followed in the event of a request to enter into a fixed-term contract in assisted form in accordance with Art. 19, paragraph 3 of Italian Legislative Decree 81/2015. This refers, ....