DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Practice

On 5 December last, the Data Protection Supervisory Authority (the “Authority”) developed FAQ (“Frequently Asked Questions”) on personal data processing carried out by public and private entities using video surveillance systems. The Authority’s clarifications take account of what was introduced by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on personal data protection (known as “GDPR”) and by the Guidelines ....

Categories: Case Law

The Supreme Court of Cassation, by Order no. 27422 dated 1 December 2020, established that the clauses of the national collective agreement stating that workers are required to respect not only the provisions contained therein but also those established in internal regulations does not automatically bind employees to the compensation obligation envisaged therein in the ....

Categories: Case Law

Suspension of terms for appealing the dismissal in the emergency period Art. 6 of Italian Law no. 604/1966 states that: the dismissal, under penalty of forfeiture, must be appealed within 60 days from receiving the respective communication and the appeal is ineffective if it is not followed up, within a subsequent 180 day period, by ....

Categories: Do you know that

Italian Law no. 178 of 30 December 2020 (known as “Budget Law”) has extended the provision of salary supplements due to COVID for a further 12 weeks. Unlike what was envisaged by the previous measures, this time the financial support is free. This means that employers are not required to pay an additional contribution in ....

Categories: Practice

INPS (the Italian Social Security Institution), with its message no. 4805 dated 22 December 2020, provided clarifications on the issuance of A1/E101 social security certificate for periods of employment in the United Kingdom, concluding after the end of the transition period, namely 31 December 2020. In particular, INPS specified that requests to issue Form A1 ....