DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Publications

The current emergency due to the spread of Covid-19 led the Italian Government to ban dismissals for objective justified reason and suspend layoff proceedings. Initially introduced with the Cure Italy Decree, it was later extended with additional Government conditions. The most recent, art. 12, par. 11, of Decree Law 137/2020 (“Ristori Decree”) extended it until ....

Categories: Publications

An employment emergency measure package added to Italian Decree Law 137/2020 approved by the Council of Ministers on 28 October 2020, includes a brief extension of the emergency wages guarantee fund (both ordinary and derogatory) and wage integration fund (FIS) equal to six weeks that can be used from 16 November 2020 until 31 January ....

Categories: Publications

The Spanish Council of Ministers has approved a Royal Decree on remote working “Real Decreto-Ley 28/2020.” These are a set of provisions aimed at balancing employee and employer needs. It was published in the Boe – the equivalent of the Italian Official Gazette, on 23 September 2020. There are eight points of interest within the ....

Categories: Case Law

The Supreme Court of Cassation, by Order no. 18959/2020, confirmed that the interest in posting may also be of a non-economic or wealth nature in the strict sense, but also of a solidaristic type. The important thing is that it does not turn out to be merely third party temporary work. Facts of the case ....

Categories: Case Law

The Supreme Court of Cassation, with its ruling no. 19846/2020 underlined the need to grant the worker the possibility to fully exercise his right to defence. This right is to be understood as the possibility to have – at a later time after the initial filing of written justifications without request for oral examination – ....