Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation, with order No. 13613/2020, has ruled that the employer is under an obligation to pay to the chief physician the unused holidays unless the employer is able to prove to have put the chief physician in the position to be able to use any such annual leave, informing the latter in ....
Categories: Legislation
Legislative Decree No. 122/2020 has been published in State Gazette No. 229 of 15 September 2020 which, by implementing Directive (EU) 2018/957 on transnational secondment (“posting”), has brought about a series of amendments to the laws and regulations in force represented, on the subject-matter, by Legislative Decree No. 136/2016. Directive (EU) 2018/957, adopted on 28 ....
Categories: Do you know that
The Court of Cassation, with order No. 18960 of 11 September 2020, has stated that in no way may the dismissal following the protected period be deemed belated when the employer, prior to notifying same, waits for an adequate period of time in order to carry out a “prognosis of endurableness” of the overall absence ....
Categories: Publications
On September 15, 2020, the trade union associations ASSODELIVERY and UGL-RIDER signed the first National Collective Bargaining Agreement (“NCBA”) governing the relationship between Bike Delivery Riders so called “Riders” and their companies. The agreement, called “National Collective Bargaining Agreement for governing the delivery of goods on behalf of third parties, carried out by self-employed workers, ....
Categories: Publications
Bill C. 788 was submitted to the Chamber of Deputies in July 2018. Its aim is to define procedures to measure the actual representation of worker unions (“OOSS”) and identify parameters to measure employer organisation representation. The former is based on the average of membership and electoral figures. Membership is calculated by INPS from notices ....