Whistleblowing: companies’ obligations  

Categories: DLP Insights, News, Publications | Tag: Privacy, Whistleblowing

28 Dec 2023

Italian Legislative Decree no. 24/2023, which implements Directive (EU) 1937/2019 and introduces the new legal framework on whistleblowing has come into effect. Laws on whistleblowing have already been in force for some years in companies required to implement the 231 Models and detailed and specific provisions on procedure and sanctions now apply to all companies.

The term “whistleblowing’ refers to the activity of reporting breaches of national or EU regulatory provisions of which workers have become aware in the context of work. For companies with more than 250 employees, the obligation to adopt adequate reporting systems has been in force since 15 July 2023, while for small and medium-sized enterprises the obligation came into force on 17 December.

Conduct, acts or omissions that harm the public interest or the integrity of the public administration or private entity and that consist of breaches attributable to the specific cases listed in the decree must be reported.

A person who believes that the conditions for a report are met may use the following channels: (i) internal reporting; (ii) external reporting, if there is no mandatory activation of the internal reporting channel, or if this has already been done without follow-up, if the whistleblower has reasonable grounds to believe that the internal report would not be followed up or there would be a risk of retaliation or if the whistleblower has reasonable grounds to believe that the breach constitutes a danger to the public interest; (iii) public disclosure, if the whistleblower has already made an internal and/or external report without feedback, if there is reasonable ground to believe that the breach may constitute a danger to the public interest, or if there is reasonable ground to believe that the external report may involve the risk of retaliation or may be ineffective; (iv) complaint to the judicial authority, at any stage.

Internal channels must ensure the confidentiality of the reporting person, the content of the report, the facilitator and the person concerned. When establishing internal reporting channels, it is necessary to use suitable tools to receive reports both orally and in writing, as the whistleblower is guaranteed both methods.

In this regard, the Italian National Anti-Corruption Authority (Autorità Nazionale Anticorruzione, ‘ANAC’) with resolution 311 of 12 July 2023 considered that ordinary e-mail and certified e-mail (PEC) did not guarantee confidentiality, and thus required the use of online platforms. As far as the paper report is concerned, the ANAC has requested that it be placed in two sealed envelopes (one with the identification data and the second with the actual report), then both envelopes should be inserted in a third sealed envelope with the external wording “confidential” for the manager of the report.

To implement the new regulatory obligation, companies must identify the channel in an organisation specific document; inform trade union representatives; make clear information available to the reporting person about the channel, procedures and conditions for making internal or external reports (e.g. via the website or platform page); guarantee the training of those who are entrusted with the management of the reporting channel and of all internal staff; adapt the 231 organisational model (if adopted) and put in place all the measures required under the regulations on the protection of personal data and the processing carried out to comply with it. Finally, companies will have to adopt a sanctioning system in the event of breach of the decree provisions.

In conclusion, under the regulatory framework that arises from Italian Legislative Decree no. 24/2023, companies and operators must pay great attention to the preparation of policies and organisational and management tools necessary for the implementation of legal obligations to ensure the protection and enhancement of each organisation’s ethical principles.

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