Case Law

Categories: Case Law

The Cassation has established that a partner in a partnership may also assume the role of employee as long as: a) the contribution of work is not supplied for the purposes of partner contribution and, b) the work relationship has the nature of employment, that it entails the requirement subjecting the worker to management, organisational ....

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation has stated that mobbing is considered “conduct by a supervisor which is systematic and lasts over time which entails repeated hostile behaviour within the work environment, leading to forms of abuse of power or psychological persecution, and may result in the moral humiliation and alienation of the employee”.

Categories: Case Law

The 4th Penal Section of the Cassation Court has established that the “contractor” employer shall be liable for accidents of its employees if it has not informed them of the dangers and measures to avoid them and if it has not monitored to ensure that such measures have not been applied.

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Milan has established that the termination of a coordinated, ongoing project-based contract is valid when the project in question has been completed, and that any claim to extend the self-employment contract due to maternity, for a period beyond the project completion date is without grounds.

Categories: Case Law

By sentence under art. 669-sexies of the Italian Code of Civil Procedure, confirmed by the Court at appeal stage on 31 March 2009, the Court of Trento has ordered an employee to disclose to the employer the access password to folders on his PC and to areas of the company server to which he has reserved access, on the grounds that use of the instruments was for professional purposes only.