Case Law

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation with its order no. 1242 of 17 January 2022, ruled on the limitation, to a certain department, of the range of employees to dismiss for a collective procedure, setting out the requirements so that such limitation can be considered lawful. Facts of the case The event originated from a collective dismissal ....

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Asti, with the order of 5 January 2022, ruled that the quarantine period (as per art. 26, paragraph 1, Decree Law 18/2020 applicable ratione temporis) or voluntary homestay is not valid for calculating the protection period, not only vis-a-vis subjects who have had close contact with confirmed cases, but also regarding subjects ....

Categories: Case Law

With ruling no. 2629 of 10 November 2021, the Court of Milan considers that the dismissal prohibition introduced by the emergency legislation applies to executives. Facts of the case With an appeal under art. 414 of the Italian Code of Civil Procedure, an executive requested the Court of Milan to ascertain and declare the nullity ....

Categories: Case Law

In its ruling no. 376 of last 23 November, The Court of Florence declared the unilateral terminations made by a digital platform of home food deliveries (the “Company“) from the relationships in place with individual workers (“riders“) ineffective, following a failure to adhere to the National Collective Labour Agreement (the “NCLA“) signed by Assodelivery, the ....

Categories: Case Law

With its order no. 30478 of 28 October 2021, the Court of Cassation ruled that the employer is not obliged to warn the employee who cannot work about the imminent achievement of the maximum relationship protected period, nor to suggest alternative means to the absence due to illness (holidays, leave of absence). Facts of the case ....