Categories: Case Law
In a 2 July 2021 order, The Court of Milan ruled that, dismissals announced by the same company to six executives, in the same period and based on the same objective reasons, were part of the collective redundancies subject to the prohibition during the pandemic. The Court held that it was irrelevant that four of ....
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation, IV Criminal Section, in its ruling no. 22256 of 3 March 2021 (filed on 8 June), ruled on the existence of the requisites of interest and advantage of the entity in cases of culpable offences for violation of accident prevention regulations under Legislative Decree no. 231/01 on administrative liability of entities. ....
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation, in ruling no. 10992 /2021, stated that if there is an unlawful collective dismissal due to non-compliance with the communication system established by art. 4, paragraph 9 of Law 223/1991, which constitutes a “procedural violation”, the indemnity protection quantifiable between 12 and 24 months’ salary is applicable after the employment termination ....
Categories: Case Law
The Supreme Court of Cassation, in its Order no. 17051, published on 16 June 2021, stated that if a dismissal is declared unlawful, the aliunde perceptum resulting from a work compatible with that carried out in favour of the employer ordered to reinstate the employee should not be deducted from the appropriate compensation. Facts of ....
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation, in its ruling of 20 May 2021, no. 13787 established that if a company transfer is declared illegitimate, liability for any resulting employee demotion falls on the transferee who used the service and not the transferor. This case follows a judicial application for investigations into a demotion by an employee who ....