Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation, in ruling no. 12932/2021, reiterated that the waiver of notice period by the employee and the related substitute allowance, formalised by a settlement agreement made after the notice of dismissal, does not affect the obligation to pay social security contributions to INPS. Facts of the case In this case, a bank, ....
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation, in its ruling of 6 May 2021, no. 12040, declared that it was legitimate to limit the scope of a collective dismissal procedure to the production units undergoing reorganisation instead of covering the entire company workforce. Facts of the case In December 2016, a company initiated a collective dismissal procedure, limiting ....
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation, in ruling no. 7221 of 15 March 2021, confirmed the legal principle according to which the Company’s supplementary contract, and the right recognised to the employee by company practice, does not survive the change in collective bargaining following the company transfer. Facts of the case A worker employed by a company ....
Categories: Case Law
In its 25 March 2021 ruling, The Court of Rome, declared the termination of employment during the probationary period, null and void because it was contrary to the dismissal prohibition for financial reasons, introduced by art. 46 of Decree Law 18/2020 (“Cure Italy Decree”) and confirmed by the emergency legislation that succeeded the Decree, if ....
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Rome, in its ruling no. 3605 of 19 April, 2021, ruled on the application of the dismissal prohibition, provided for by art. 46 of the “Cure Italy” decree and confirmed by the emergency measures that followed, to executives. Contrary to the conclusions reached on 26 February, the Court ruled that “the literal ....