Case Law

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, with order no. 118 of 7 January 2020, on the subject of collective redundancy, stated, recalling its own consolidated case law, that the choice of workers to be dismissed cannot fall exclusively on the personnel assigned to the department or sector eliminated or reduced. There must, in fact, be objective business ....

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Appeal, Penal Section, with sentence 50919 of 17 December 2019, confirmed that the installation of video-surveillance systems, resulting in the remote control of workers’ activities, must be preceded by reaching a trade union agreement or, failing that, by obtaining administrative authorisation. The consent of the workers concerned is not sufficient. Facts of ....

Categories: Case Law

La Cour d’appel de Milan, Division du travail, par jugement n°780 du 5 octobre 2015, confirmant la décision du tribunal de première instance, a déclaré légitime le licenciement pour dépassement du congé maladie d’un travailleur survenu plus d’un an après l’expiration du congé maladie et après une période de maladie ininterrompue. La Cour d’appel, en ....

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, under order 23520 dated 20 September 2019, confirmed that the professional, when performing the service in a manner and time frame established by the management of the company, performing the same tasks as colleagues employed under an open-ended employment contract, is not a self-employed worker, but an employee. Facts of the ....

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, under ruling no. 26029 dated 15 October 2019, clarified that, in the context of a collective procedure for reducing staff numbers, the dismissal of a mandatorily employed worker shall be considered unlawful if, at the time of the termination of the employment contract, the number of remaining mandatorily employed workers is ....