Case Law

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, in its judgement 21390 filed on 14 August 2019, stated that a company agreement signed to deal with a temporary increase in activity does not expire unless explicitly provided for and can be reused later. The facts The Court of Appeals with territorial jurisdiction upheld the decision of the lower court ....

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, with judgement 18887 of 15 July 2019, declared illegitimate the dismissal of the worker who refused to work on a day during the week when there was a holiday celebrating a civil event.   Facts of the case In this specific case, a company, faced with the refusal of one of ....

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, with order 15557/2019, ruled that a contract can be considered genuine even if it describes in great detail the tasks that the workers involved will have to perform. This is because, for the purposes of integrating the case of illicit labour brokering, it is not sufficient either to provide an analytical ....

Categories: Case Law

With judgement of 14787/2019, the Court of Cassation once again handled the sensitive question of the timeliness of the disciplinary challenge with respect to the charge. In particular, the jurisprudential findings on the matter have been underlined, according to which the principle of the immediacy of the challenge of the charge and that of the ....

Categories: Case Law

In declaring illegitimate the expulsion measure ordered to some workers, as part of a procedure of collective dismissal, the Court of Appeals of Turin, with judgement 316/2019, has declared that the employment relationships are terminated and sentenced the employer company to pay compensation pursuant to art. 3, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree no. 23/2015. The ....