Case Law

Categories: Case Law

In Judgment no. 1377 lodged on 19 January 2018, the Court of Cassation has stated – in regard to an employment contract stipulated before the entry into force of Legislative Decree no. 23/2015 (so-called Jobs Act) – that a dismissal for just cause imposed on a worker who systematically used the company car, assigned to ....

Categories: Case Law

In Judgment no. 1909 lodged on 25 January 2018, the Court of Cassation has ruled on the subject of disciplinary dismissal, stressing the need for the preliminary notification of the relapse having a constitutive nature. In the case at hand, a female worker had been dismissed for just cause because she had missed work one ....

Categories: Case Law

In Judgment no. 1672/2017, the Milan Court of Appeal has ruled again on the severance indemnity pay set out in Article 1751, Italian Civil Code. In particular, the Court has clarified that the expiration of an agency contract which is followed, without interruption, by a second agency contract with the same principal does not give ....

Categories: Case Law

In Judgment no. 98 of 7 February 2018, the Court of Frosinone rejected the appeal filed by a worker, who had resigned, against his former employer. More specifically, the worker argued that the withdrawal of his employer from a supplementary agreement of 1988 establishing a 14th-month pay, unilaterally effected in 2014, was illegitimate due to ....

Categories: Case Law

In Judgment no. 2600 of 2 February 2018, the Court of Cassation reiterated that if the signatory parties to a second-level collective agreement have not expressly provided for the need to serve written notices for termination purposes, the employer’s verbal withdrawal can be considered valid. The case at hand concerned a collective agreement – which ....