Categories: Case Law
With its judgement no. 609/2017, the Court of Milan, acting as Labour Court, has ruled on the issue of the validity of a letter of transfer signed in acceptance thereof. In the case at hand, a worker went to court seeking a declaration of invalidity of a transfer enjoined to him because, in his opinion, ....
Categories: Case Law
With its judgement no. 21062 of 11 September 2017, the Court of Cassation has delivered an opinion on the issue of just cause for dismissal previously confirmed by the Court of first instance of Campobasso, later overturned by the Court of Appeal, which instead found the dismissal legitimate as the facts in question were proportionate ....
Categories: Case Law
With its judgement no. 20976/2017, the Court of Cassation maintained that a provision signed by the parties at the time of the early termination of employment, whereby an employer agrees to pay a gross amount as an adjustment to the employee severance indemnity, in exchange for the employee waiving his/her right to any other disputes ....
Categories: Case Law
With its judgement no. 1091/2017, the Court of Milan has ruled again on the expiry of the limitation period of wage claims, in light of the modifications introduced by Law no. 92/2012 (so-called Fornero Law) to Article 18, Workers’ Charter. In particular, the judgement at hand reiterated that following the entry into force of the ....
Categories: Case Law
The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights, with its judgement no. 61496/08, lodged on 5 September 2017 in the case of Barbulescu vs Romania, condemned Romania because the monitoring by a company of an employee, later dismissed for making a personal use of the company email messaging service, failed to strike a ....